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Together Again ♥

14 Dec

After 4-ish months of being away from each other!!! Can’t help it – that I was teary-eyed when I saw my mama about to cry in the airport where I fetched her hihihi! :> Cute namin noh?!

Rant # 523679

27 Sep

This is so frustrating. My internet kinda sucks, uh wait no, it sucks. I was skyping with my mom and got really frustrated because even though I already turned off my video, still we weren’t able to understand each other. So, I told her I’m gonna call her phone using my french sim which still has around 12 euros of credit. After 3 minutes of clear conversation, I ran out of credit. /wrist

I am in soooo much pain, I’m gonna die.

27 Mar

both cheeks are swelling, but my left cheek is swelling (more) like it's gonna burst in any minute!!!

Today, I got 3 of my wisdom tooth out. The other one was taken out last year. The procedure/operation was not that painful since loads and loads of anesthesia was injected to my  gums. However, the thing went for 3 grueling hours! I recommend, for some of you who have impacted wisdom tooth (meaning: the tooth is growing out in an abnormal way that it ruins the position of your other teeth), take them out one at a time!! For me, I had no other time to have this procedure but now.

I cannot eat well! I actually just ate the linugaw my mom made for me and a lot of ice cream(and no, this did not make up for the pain I am currently feeling). Not that I am forbidden to eat, but I could not eat since both sides of my mouth have these stitches. *sob sob* It just hurts so bad, I’ve been sleeping the whole day. And left my bed, just now because I couldn’t sleep anymore 😦 What a nice way to start my summer break! 😐

On a slightly happier note, it’s my mom’s birthday today! I love you, woman!! 🙂

Ma Chère Famille

30 Sep

Mon beau papa et ma belle mama.

J’ai une heureuse et tendre famille. Mon père est Teresito Larroza et il est marin. Ma mère est Evangeline Larroza et elle est ménagèr. Ils ont cinquante ans. Nous habitons à Jaro, Iloilo City, mais ils rencontrent quand ma mère travaille dans l’hopital et mon père prend des vacances ici à Manille. Ils sont célibataire quand ils rencontrent. Après sept ans, ils sont mariés, et après cinq ans, ma mère a donné naissance à moi.

Je n’ai pas frère et soeur. Je suis la seule fille, mais je suis rarement seule. Je suis avec mon père et ma mère toujours, parce que je déteste être seule. Nous voyagons beaucoup quand nous avons du temps libre. Nous adorons voyager et nous aimons aller à la campagne, comme Iloilo, ou à la mer, comme Boracay.

Mon père est assez grand, timide et calme, mais il est autoritaire. Je suis heureuse parce que il ne fume pas et je déteste les fumeurs. Mon père et moi aimons regarder la télévision. Nous adorons l’émissions America’s Got Talent et Glee.

Ma mère est dynamique, tendre et, quelque fois, elle est pénible. Elle est bonne cuisinière. Ma mère et moi aimons faire du shopping et nous adorons faire la cuisine. Ma famille aime manger le cuisine chinoise, française et philippine. Je communique facilement avec ma famille, parce que ils sont tendre et compréhensif. J’aime ma famille beaucoup et je suis très contente avec ma vie et ma famille.

Parents in Town

28 Sep

Hello inspiration! And I’m fine not being found in the picture, haha.

Good vibes, good vibes!

I Wish

27 Feb

Here is the most important man in my life somewhere in Venice, Italy for a stopover. And somehow I can’t help to feel a little envious of him. HAHA. When will I ever have the chance to go to such a beautiful and cool place? I hope he’ll take me there someday. ♥

St. Mark’s Basilica

The canals

Papa and his colleague

I wish I could go there now to escape from the scorching Manila heat, since it has been affecting my mood lately >:D To end this wishful post which is close to becoming another ranting post, here is a foggy view of the Grand Canal ♥

For now, I can put up with the air-con.